In the summer of 2005, four local musicians convened in a New Jersey garage and the vision of Pico DäDä was set in motion. After several months of collaboration, guitarist Kalil Alekel, bassist Michael Hetman, drummer Marc Mozeson, and pianist Neil Pickett melded eclectic influences with common goals, conceiving a unique musical entity. The prefix "pico-", literally defined as one trillionth, is a minute fraction. "DäDä" derived from the 20th century artistic and literary movement, Dadaism, instituted the rejection of traditional artistic and cultural values. In essence, Pico DäDä was a tiny anti-art and culture movement.
Pushing the envelope of experimental rock, their sound is not easily categorized by genre. Balancing the concept of mainstream appeal with the explorative edge of today's underground scene, they purveyed uncharted musical territory within the realms of normalcy. Such a barrage of eclectic grooves, aural textures, provocative lyrics, and inimitable graphic design serves to challenge sensory perception, making Pico DäDä a genuine phenomenon, referred to as “microrock.”
Throughout the fall of ‘05 and spring of ‘06, Pico DäDä recorded seven original tracks, generating two CD-singles, “Cognitive Dissonance” and “Rocks Thrown by Strangers.” In the summer of ’06, they debuted on the local circuit and co-founded the independent concert series “Planet Universe.” In the fall of ’07, guitarist John Garrity joined the ensemble, complimenting their harmonious gamut. In the winter of ’09, they began work on their first full-length endeavor, “I Am Not Fall Down,” Shortly after these recording sessions in 2010, Pico DäDä disbanded.